Tag: restrictions

Parking restrictions to be enforced – again

After a gap of almost three years, the East Wichel Restricted Parking Zone will once again be enforced by Swindon Borough Council. As confirmed by the council in March this year, the parking restrictions are extended to the mews areas. From Monday 30th September 2019, any vehicles not parked in a designated parking space, either

Council decides on parking restrictions – for a second time

Almost five years after details of parking restrictions in East Wichel were first made public, over three years since the first decision to implement restrictions was confirmed, and over one year since the last round of consultation started, local councillors on Monday announced that Swindon Borough Council has again decided to enforce parking restrictions. The

Last cuts – Jessica’s closes in East Wichel

After almost five years in East Wichel, Jessica’s Hair & Beauty has closed today, citing concerns about parking, in particular that the long-delayed parking restrictions for East Wichel would leave their customers with nowhere to park. Throughout the summer, the parking area for East Wichel’s shops — although completed — has been kept fenced off

The longest ever parking restriction consultation?

It’s now over three years since Swindon Borough Council started formal consultation on parking restrictions in East Wichel, and even longer since the process was informally started. Yet the consultations and arguments over parking rumble on. For the first round of formal consultation, it took sixteen months for a decision on restrictions to be made,

Council consults on changes to parking restrictions

The long-running saga of parking restrictions in East Wichel took another turn yesterday when Swindon Borough Council published its latest proposals for a Restricted Parking Zone in East Wichel. The arguments over parking in East Wichel have now been running for three years. The latest changes proposed are: 43 extra parking spaces on East Wichel

Review of parking restrictions continues

An update on Swindon Borough Council’s review of parking restrictions in East Wichel suggests they may allow parking on East Wichel Way but add restrictions in mews areas and ban parking of larger vehicles. An email to residents from Councillor Nadine Watts says the Council’s Highways department intend to run a drop-in session on revised

East Wichel Restricted Parking Zone latest map

We have obtained, through a Freedom of Information request to Swindon Borough Council, an up-to-date map of the East Wichel restricted parking zone [pdf] now being implemented. Previously, only draft versions of the map were available. The map shows the mews areas excluded from the restricted parking zone. But parking bays in the mews that are

Parking restriction introduction detailed in letter to residents

Swindon Borough Council has hand delivered a letter to residents in Wichelstowe, detailing the introduction of the Restricted Parking Zone in East Wichel. Until Sunday 16 October they will be publicising the scheme. After that they will initially issue warning notices to those not complying with the regulations, but will start issuing penalties on ‘main

East Wichel parking restrictions to be phased in from start of October

Parking restrictions in East Wichel will be phased in from the beginning of October, according to councillor Nadine Watts. The restrictions will see on-street parking limited to marked parking bays. Swindon Borough Council will be mailing residents, detailing the restrictions, and erecting the remaining warning signs. This will be followed by enforcement on main roads

East Wichel Restricted Parking Zone confirmed

This evening Councillor Nadine Watts has confirmed that the decision to implement a controversial restricted parking zone in East Wichel has now been made. After a consultation that ran for sixteen months, the Swindon Borough Council cabinet member responsible for car parking, Councillor Garry Perkins, has signed the decision that will allow parking restrictions to

Decision on East Wichel parking still months away

In a marathon community meeting on Wednesday, once again one of the main topics of discussion was parking in East Wichel. A report from the community police officer also generated a lot of debate. In a meeting lasting over two hours, the councillor who will make the decision on whether to implement parking restrictions in

Traffic restrictions for East Wichel Way

Wednesday’s East Wichel Community Association meeting was once again dominated by discussion of Swindon Borough Council’s proposed parking restrictions for East Wichel. Most of this discussion covered items discussed before. A decision on whether the proposed parking restrictions are introduced is now expected by the end of October. The further delay is a result of

Extra spaces found in council parking plan

At the community meeting on Wednesday evening, council officers said they had found 15 extra spaces to be made available once parking restrictions are introduced in East Wichel. Although the decision on whether restrictions will go ahead lies with the relevant Swindon Council cabinet member, the council officers expect that the proposals to restrict parking

East Wichel parking restrictions – now with fewer spaces

Swindon Borough Council has today published its formal consultation on parking restrictions proposed for East Wichel. Compared with the earlier draft shown to residents in July, the new proposals have fewer parking spaces. Overall, the plans are almost unchanged. Some parking bays appear to have been added on Nunwick Way, but more have been removed

East Wichel parking restriction proposals announced

Details of parking restrictions proposed for East Wichel were given at the Community Association meeting on Wednesday. Swindon Borough Council have published detailed plans showing the location of each parking bay and every parking restriction sign. Following a change in policy from central government, the council no longer needs to get government approval from the

Consultation on parking restrictions in East Wichel

Swindon Borough Council will use the next East Wichel Community Association meeting to consult on parking restrictions proposed for the area. The restrictions set out in the planning permission conditions for East Wichel would ban almost all on-street parking but cannot be introduced without evidence of community support. The meeting, which is open to all