Council announces latest consultation on East Wichel parking restrictions
- 61 additional parking spaces on East Wichel Way and wider side roads
- Inclusion of the part of Trevello Road between Nos 1 and 11 in the parking restrictions
- inclusion of the mews areas in the parking restrictions
The proposals will turn East Wichel Way into a slalom for buses, with parking permitted alternately on each side along the road.
Note that the parking restrictions have been carefully drawn in the mews areas — they don’t include those parts of the mews that are privately owned by adjoining houses. This is likely to cause confusion as although parking bays in the public parts of the mews will be marked by the council, the private parking bays will not. During previous rounds of consultation council officers have variously claimed that this will or won’t be a problem for their enforcement officers.
Full details of the proposals for the changes to the East Wichel Restricted Parking Zone can be viewed on Swindon Borough Council’s website, currently near the bottom of the permanent traffic regulation orders page. The plans only highlight changes to the restrictions, and are in addition to the restrictions introduced in October 2016. Comments on the new proposals should be sent to the head of Highways and Transport Services at Swindon Borough Council (email ) by 2nd March, quoting reference ZA/TRO/East Wichel.
With borough council elections due in early May, it’s unlikely that a final decision on parking in East Wichel will be taken quickly after the consultation period ends.