Swindon Borough Council responds to parking petition
In response to a petition asking for “an early review” of the parking restrictions in East Wichel, including “an impact assessment for allowing unrestricted parking on East Wichel Way” the council has committed to do no more than it is already doing to review the parking situation in East Wichel.
The full text of the petition was
Parking Restrictions in East Wichel – residents looking for a sensible solution
Nature of concerns
The Restricted Parking Zone implemented in East Wichel is not working in practice for the people who live here. We have grave concerns about the impact it is having on people’s everyday lives. The development now does not have anywhere near enough parking for residents or visitors to meet the needs of the community. This is causing significant negative effects on the everyday lives and experience of residents, causing social, mental and financial difficulties for families. The reality of the Restricted Parking Zone is that it is causing far more problems than it solves, and it does not work for the majority of residents.Actions we want Swindon Borough Council to take
We, the undersigned, call upon Swindon Borough Council to urgently set a date and conduct an early review of the new parking restrictions as soon as possible, to listen to the views of and work with East Wichel residents to improve the parking situation. This should include: a) an impact assessment for allowing unrestricted parking on East Wichel Way and other wide roads b) a road-by-road review of parking to add as many extra spaces as possible to allow residents and visitors to park safely and sensibly. c) if enough additional spaces cannot be found, to revisit other alternative options than the Restricted Parking Zone such as time limited restrictions and/or double yellow lines on corners, driveways and junctions to meet the needs of the community.
The petition had been signed by 426 people.
At this evening’s full council meeting, the council voted unanimously for the following response.
Council notes with regard to the parking restrictions in East Wichel:
- Thanks the petition organisers and those who have signed the petition
- A review has already commenced to address the conflicting wishes of those residents who wish to see the restrictions enforced and those who do not. Many residents have expressed the view that more designated parking spaces are required.
- Local ward representatives and the South Swindon MP have been working with the Cabinet Member and Council officers to address these differing views.
- This review will be completed by the middle of February, with the aim of reporting to a meeting of residents scheduled for 3rd March 2017.
- Parking enforcement was suspended over the Christmas/New Year period.