Swindon Borough Council’s illustration showing the likely layout of Wichelstowe district centreLast Wednesday Swindon Borough Council’s Wichelstowe team displayed their proposed design code for Wichelstowe’s district centre. The code covers much of Middle Wichel and specifies how roads, buildings and public areas should look, as well as what the buildings may be used for. The code includes schools on Peglars Way, a pub/bar/restaurant with hotel across the canal from Waitrose, and sheltered accommodation for the elderly, other mixed-use buildings and possibly a medical centre also on the canalside. Car parking will be provided a few minutes walk from the canal, at the far west of the district centre.
A Dorset brewery has already expressed an interest in the pub/bar/restaurant and the trust that will run the schools was confirmed in March. The mixed-use buildings will have retail businesses or offices on the ground floor, with flats above.
The design code presentation can be viewed on the council’s Wichelstowe website.