Taylor Wimpey to prepare roads for adoption, again
As the only version of the letter available so far is a photograph, we’ve reproduced the full text of Taylor Wimpey’s letter below so that it’s accessible to all residents of East Wichel.
20th November 2019
Re: East Wichel, Swindon: Road completion workDear resident,
As part of our commitment to keeping you informed about our activity in the local area, I am writing to let you know about upcoming road completion work planned for the East Wichel development.
We have appointed a contractor, Lake Edge Ltd, to complete the outstanding work required to bring East Wichel Way and the roads within Taylor Wimpey parcels at East Wichel to an adoptable standard.
We anticipate that work will begin the week commencing 25th November 2019 and will take approximately three months to complete in total.
Most of the work will involve replacing kerbs or paving that have become damaged or eneven. The contractor will work on small sections of road in order to keep disruption [to] individual residents at a minimum. The time spent outside each property is unlikely to exceed two days.
We may need to replace kerbs paving in front of some driveways and garages. If this is likely to affect your property we will give advance notice to allow you to temporarily move your vehicle in good time.
The safety of residents and visitors is our priority, and barriers will be put up around areas where work is taking place. I would ask that you do not walk through these areas or let children or pets do so.
Should you need access to a property affected by the work, or if you have made prior access arrangements such as moving house or being picked up by an ambulance or other vehicle, then pleas contact Mick Gillingham, who will be overseeing the work on a day-to-day basis. You can either ask for Mick by speaking to the site team in person or by calling 07789 287206.
We will do all that we can to keep inconvenience to a minimum whilst this necessary work is carried out, but I would like to apologise in advance for any disruption that is caused. Once the work is complete we will be in a position to start the adoption process for the roads and footways with Swindon Borough Council (they go onto maintenance for twelve months and are then hopefully adopted).
I thank you in advance for your patience and co-operation during this work. I would also ask that you are particularly cautious whilst driving around East Wichel during this time as there could be slow-moving vehicles or workers in the road.
Yours sincerely,
Brian Peers
Adoptions Manager
Taylor Wimpey [Oxfordshire] Ltd, Windrush Court, Suite J, Abingdon Business Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 1SY