Seethelight suffer major network failure

Early in the afternoon of Wednesday 3rd September, Seethelight had a failure in their network in London. This resulted in a total loss of service to many of the housing developments on which they are the monopoly broadband internet service provider, including East Wichel. At the time of writing this report, eight hours after the problem occurred, Seethelight were unable to give any indication of when the failure might be fixed.

Like many in East Wichel, we’re disappointed by Seethelight’s service failure and the lack of information they have been able to provide. We’re also surprised by the lack of backup provision in their network. For any company with aspirations of being a reputable ISP, their network should not suffer catastrophic failure because of an issue at just one location on the network.
Update, 11:57 pm: Seethelight’s internet service was restored at about 11.40 pm.

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